MMROC Artist & Designer
Christina Meyer
As the artist and owner of the graphic design studio, BLUE ALIEN DESIGN, Christina is the artist behind the new artwork and overall look of the Metal Mayhem ROC brand. She’s the creative force behind the design and creation of Metal Mayhem Roc’s new logo, and new website. "We also have a few new ideas for some great MMROC promotional gear, too!" Check out the MMROC Merch Store to see all the new products we have.
To see more of Christina’s artwork check out the Blue Alien Design Facebook page:
Born and raised in Penfield, New York, a suburb of Rochester, Christina attended high school with team members, Jon “Vernomatic” Verno, Bill “the Rager”, and “Southern Cal" back in the 1980’s. Christina remembers the earliest days of the Metal Mayhem radio show when it was just “Cheech & Vern” covering the metal scene for a few hours every Friday night on a local public broadcast station, circa 1985. She says, “It’s absolutely amazing to me how far MMROC has come and how big it has all gotten."
I have always felt that Metal accurately expresses my ambition, determination, and hard core attitude for life. As an artist, music inspires the hell out of me, and I can’t help but notice the similarities between visual art and music. Both are forms of art, the only difference being in the way we physically interact with them. Music has always inspired some of my greatest works of art, and I’ve even named several of my artworks after the songs that inspired them. My music tastes have morphed through the years from plain old Heavy Metal in my early years, to Grunge Metal, and even Industrial Metal. However, these days I find myself loving female fronted Death Metal bands such as Arch Enemy and Jinjer.
Bands: While growing up hard core, worshipping the likes of Iron Maiden, Metallica, and Pantera, I have grown to love Tool for their incredible talent (Danny Carey), and most of all, Alice In Chains in my more mature age. Layne Staley’s voice and song writing bring tears to my eyes every time I listen. I can relate to all of it quite literally. I think this is because Layne and I have battled the same demon. I've been very fortunate to come out of that battle with my life intact, whereas my dear friend Layne was not that fortunate. (RIP, Layne)
Songs: Without a shadow of doubt, “Nutshell” by Alice In Chains! I cannot even think of another song that so clearly relates to how I feel quite often. Unknown Secret: I actually cry a little every time I see Alice In Chains performing “Nutshell” live & unplugged with the late great, Layne Staley.
1982: My fist concert ever! Judas Priest & Iron Maiden together doing the "Screaming for Vengence" and "Number of the Beast" tour, at the Rochester War Memorial.
1994: Pantera, Far Beyond Driven tour, with openers Sepultura & Biohazard, at the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center. This was the greatest show of my life! because I actually made it up onstage while Pantera was performing! All thanks to a “momentary lapse in security” caused by Phil Anselmo. LOL. I walked right over to my favorite Pantera band member, and got a bigtime “bro-hug” from none other than Phillip Anselmo himself! Hell yes! 🤘
1994: Soundgarden, Superunknown Tour, at the Rochester War Memorial. I have always loved Chris Cornell and I personally believe he was one of the most talent musicians I have ever been fortunate enough to see live in concert.
Metal Mayhem ROC, formerly “Metal Mayhem” was a staple of my childhood growing up in Penfield, New York. As the majority of us team members all grew up together. I always loved calling “Vernomatic” on Friday nights trying to get a dedication song played on the show so I could hear my own name on the radio. That was so cool! Today, Metal Mayhem ROC has grown into a well-known podcast, radio show, and YouTube channel, always covering our favorite bands and staying true to metal heads everywhere. When I was asked to do some artwork and updates to the brand, I was absolutely honored, and extremely grateful to be reunited with my childhood pals. I only hope I can give the show what it deserves, and that’s a brand image that’s as cool as the fans who keep this thing going! 🤘 Rock On!